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Special Class

A student with a disability shall be placed in a special class for instruction on a daily basis to the extent indicated in the student's individualized education program.

In all cases the size and composition of a class shall be based on the similarity of the individual needs of the students according to:
•    levels of academic or educational achievement and learning characteristics;
•    levels of social development;
•    levels of physical development; and
•    the management needs of the students in the classroom.

A special class shall be composed of students with disabilities with similar individual needs.

BOCES and Private School (Day and Residential Placements)
The school district seeks to maximize the number of disabled students that can be educated in district, but there are students for whom local programs are not appropriate.  These students are provided equivalent educational programs and services within BOCES and/or private facilities, because placement in these facilities is the least restrictive environment determined by the Committee on Special Education.  The students' placement in such programs will not preclude their involvement in district extra-curricula activities.