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Sachem North High School

Guidance Publications


The Guidance Department publishes important information and updates for students and their families throughout the school year.  Below, you will find some helpful publications on the college process and scholarships, programming for the upcoming school year, and general information for Sachem North students.  Publications currently available are:





Scholarship Information 2023-2024

Local Scholarships:

Congratulations to all of the seniors who received scholarships/awards at Senior Academic Awards and Scholarship Night 2024.  Local scholarship info for next year will be posted on or around February 1st.  For a list of scholarships that were offered in 2024, check out the Local Scholarship Directory.  


Scholarships Available on Naviance:

All national and regional (non-local) scholarships, as well as college-specific scholarships will now be posted in Naviance for students and parents to view.  New scholarships will be added to Naviance on a weekly basis as they are received by our office.  Some scholarships may direct you to a separate web site for more scholarship information.  Others may require you to download an application that will be accessible in Naviance.  Please follow all scholarship instructions carefully to ensure optimal consideration for each scholarship.  

Both students and parents have access to Naviance, so if you are unsure of your username and password, please reach out to your counselor for assistance.  Once in your Naviance account, click on the "Colleges" link at the top of the page and then "Scholarships and Money," then "Scholarship List."  Click on the name of each scholarship listed in order to obtain details for the scholarship/web links to the scholarship web site.  


* Helpful Scholarship Links -



Students and parents can receive important updates/information from the Sachem North Guidance Department directly to their cell phone and/or email address.  Stay in the loop about SAT/ACT deadlines, scholarship information, college visits, evening presentations, and much more.  Please click on the appropriate link below depending on your/your student's grade level:



School Profile


College Handbooks


Course Handbook & Programming Folders

Course Handbook for the 2025-2026 School Year 

Programming Folders: (use the folder for the grade you are planning to be in next school year)

12th Grade Programming Folder for 2025-2026 School Year

11th Grade Programming Folder for 2025-2026 School Year

10th Grade Programming Folder for 2025-2026 School Year

9th Grade Programming Folder for 2025-2026 School Year