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Nokomis Elementary School

151 Holbrook Road
Holbrook, NY 11741
Phone:  (631)-471-1840
Fax:  (631)-467-3894
Denise Kleinman, Principal
Tara Erb, Principal's Aide
Theresa Keller, Nurse

School Hours: 8:10am – 2:40pm

Sachem Transportation: 631-471-1380

S.C.O.P.E (Before/After Care): 631-360-0800 x100

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Supply Lists

    Nokomis Educational Goals

    Goal # 1—To improve student success and achievement in levels K-5 using various forms of formative and summative assessment.
    Goal # 2—Build a climate of personal competency for every student.
    Goal # 3—To work together for individual excellence and positive self-esteem.

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