Committee on Special Education (CSE)
In grades K-12:
If you suspect your child is having academic difficulty due to a possible handicapping condition, the best place to begin is with your child's classroom teacher. If modifications have been made, remedial services provided and strategies have been attempted, and your child is still experiencing difficulty, the building team (psychologist and social worker) should be contacted. After meeting with the team, including the teacher and other support personnel involved with your child, you may decide to have your child evaluated.
According to the Commissioner's Regulations, you may refer your child to the CSE. The next step is a meeting with your child’s school team to determine if a special education evaluation is indicated. If a referral to the CSE is determined, then you will be asked to sign a Prior Written Notice (PWN) form granting your consent to complete the evaluations. Mandated components of the CSE evaluations are: medical, psychological, social history, educational and vocational assessment (ages 12+). Other evaluations may also be requested as deemed necessary to ascertain performance levels in a suspected area of disability. After testing is completed, the evaluators will contact the parents and invite them to a meeting to review the results prior to the CSE meeting. You will also be invited to attend and participate in the CSE meeting, at which a determination will be made regarding your child's qualification for special education services.